I conduct research at the intersection of geology, flow in porous media, and geomechanics to address pressing questions related to geoenergy and the environment. I approach these questions using physics-based and data-driven computational tools anchored by field and experimental observations, with the goal of quantifying answers and their uncertainty.
In October 2023 I joined the Dept. of Earth and Planetary Sciences at Harvard University (Shaw Group) as a postdoctoral fellow. I will be working on the following topics:
Impact of reservoir operations on induced seismicity
Surrogate modeling and uncertainty quantification of multiphase flows in porous media
In 2023 I finished my PhD with Ruben Juanes at MIT Civil and Environmental Engineering, where my work focused on geologic CO2 storage. Specifically, I targeted the following areas:
Development of new computer models to characterize fault permeability in siliciclastic sequences
Numerical modeling of CO2 storage, with emphasis on fault zones and their impact on fluid migration
Before starting my PhD, I worked with seismic signals generated by earthquakes and other processes.
Research interests
Fault zone development, architecture and hydraulic property characterization
Geologic CO2 storage, H2 storage and geothermal energy
Geologic hazard assessment in subsurface energy technologies, including fault leakage and induced seismicity
Earthquake and environmental seismology (i.e., using seismic signals to study surface processes such as landslides or rockfalls)
PhD in Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering (2024)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA)MS in Geotechnical and Earthquake Engineering
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (Spain)BS in Geology
Universitat de Barcelona (Spain)